Take Your Story from Design to Publishing

Basic Illustration Package

$2500 $499

Digital Illustrations

* 10 illustrations, maximum width is 1024 px by an experienced illustrator (includes color, lighting, and shading)

Artistic Design Package

$4000 $719

Print Ready Illustrations + Layout

* 10 Illustrations over 20 pages, up to 2 full spread illustrations, 300 dpi, by an experienced illustrator (includes color, lighting, and shading)
* Up to 5 image insertions
* Electronic galley
* Cover Design
* Print book formatting

Self-Publish Package

$6190 $1429

Print Ready Illustrations + Layout + Self-Publishing (Comparable to BookBaby Complete Package)

* 10 Illustrations over 20 pages, up to 2 full spread illustrations, 300 dpi, by an experienced illustrator (includes color lighting and shading)
* Up to 5 image insertions
* Electronic galley
* Cover Design
* Printed book formatting
* eBook Cover Design
* eBook Interior Formatting
* ebook Publishing, Softcover Publishing, Hardcover Publishing
* Worldwide printed book distribution on Amazon, Vearsa, Barnes and Noble, and Apple Books
* ebook conversion and distribution
* 3 ISBN barcodes
* U.S. Copyright Registration
* Library of Congress Control Number
* 25 Free Softcover Copies

© Kinread Inc. 2024